Oh right… I was writing a blog

So I guess I’ve been remiss in writing any updates. This is mostly due to the fact that my iPad was stolen (along with EVERYTHING ELSE I OWNED) my second day in Buenos Aires. Both backpacks were taken from my locker in Ritz Hostel. So there’s that. I spent the next few weeks attempting to re-clothe myself. Did you know bras in Argentina only come in S, M, and L? This is a MAJOR problem. Even the women in the shops agreed with me. How has this not been addressed?? Business opportunity number one.

Also, the ridiculous Argentine government has set the Peso/dollar exchange rate at 5:1, which is insane. The black market runs around 8:1, but because I only had my ATM card and credit card, I had to buy everything at 5:1, which means every time I bought anything, my blood boiled. The ATMs will also not allow you to take out more than 2000 pesos at a time, and they charge you 30 pesos every time you use an ATM. What a racket! Let’s move on, I can feel my vessels constricting.

Obviously I was pretty angry about the start of my trip and I had a nice 10 days to hang out until my new US passport would be ready (USD135 down the drain). Note to US Embassy in Buenos Aires: how about you invest in a little photo machine instead of asking citizens to leave the premises to find the man with the white van in the park who will take your photo under a tree while seated on a plastic stool. I’m fairly certain I was told to stay away from men with white vans in the park who want to take your photo. But there I was, alone in Buenos Aires, seeking one out. His handiwork below, clearly cut freehand.


So that’s me for the next 10 years.

Anyway, a lot has happened since then. In fact, that was 3 months ago. I am now in Sucre, Bolivia, hanging around doing pretty much nothing. Something I am very good at. I’m going to take some Spanish lessons for a few weeks, so should have some time to avoid studying by updating this blog. I’ll try to do so via pictures more than words, as I find that’s what everyone is interested in anyway. At least that’s all I look at on other people’s blogs. Which I look at pretty much never.

I have some journals from Cuba as well which I’ll try to edit slightly. Some of my favorite pictures are from there so that will be tough to put together. Or not. Whatever. All depends on how patient I am with uploads. Which pretty much means you may never see another photo. I’ll try though.

Currently listening:

Hidden Treasure – DJ Vadim